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sponsors : gold -sustainable business oregon; silver GerdingEdlen(PeoplePlanetProsperity); Oregon State Uni Foundation; Springboard Innovation;  coordinating sponsors : OCF Oregon Community Foundation,Oregon State University, The University of Oregon, Portland State University


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typical press coverage  http://www.registerguard.com/web/updates/28662289-55/business-socia...

Oregon college students will compete at creating problem-solving “social businesses”


Published: September 23, 2012 12:00AM, Midnight,Sept. 23

Teams of university students will compete to tackle Oregon’s social and environmental problems this fall through creation of problem-solving companies, or so-called social businesses.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus of Bangladesh — known globally as the inventor of microlending — will be on hand to inspire the Oreg­on students and present the prize to the winning team.

The aim is to develop creative, practical business responses to the most pressing local and regional problems, according to the Oregon University System, which is sponsoring the event.

“Instead of anticipating that government will solve everything, it’s about having business, philanthropy and entrepreneurship students come together and figure out solutions,” said Bridget Burns, Oregon University System chief of staff. “It’s such an exciting moment for this state.”

Yunus agreed to forgo his customary $125,000 speaker’s fee as long as Burns could find 1,000 Oregonians to attend the competition on Oct. 1 at the Orego­n Convention Center. Gov. John Kitzhaber is scheduled to speak, and Secretary of State Kate Brown is the event’s master of ceremonies.

At least one University of Oregon team has signed up to participate.

Yunus pioneered the concept of using market forces in the service of the poor. He began a bank in 1983 in his home country that loaned small amounts without collateral to impoverished women to start or build businesses. He maintains that all human beings are without exception endowed with entrepreneurial spirit. His concept of micro finance spread around the globe.

Yunus advocates building small businesses that are not charities and that have a social or environmental objective, operate in a financially sound manner, return their investor’s principal (sans interest), treat the workforce well — and do it all with joy.

“Part of the benefit of running the enterprise is being subjected to market forces and having that response of the market and the discipline that comes from that — and being able to make adjustments in the work, in the operations, in the marketing, in the business, to best address the needs of the customers,” said Cindy Cooper, cofounder and director of the Impact Entrepreneurs program at Portland State University.

Yunus worked with international corporations on their social business lines: adidas made shoes that sell in developing companies for about $1.25 to protect children from diseases and injuries; French company Groupe Danone (Dannon in the United States) developed a low-cost yogurt to be produced in Bangladesh to reduce childhood malnutrition.

“A typical business might feel like profit is elevated to the most important status. Social businesses really don’t feel like that. Profit, people and the planet have equal status of importance,” said Amanda West, a UO graduate and cofounder of EcoZoom, a certified social “benefit” corporation.

The Portland-based EcoZoom commercializes stoves developed at the Aprovecho Research Center at Cottage Grove.

Four 31-year-olds — including a couple of UO MBAs and a planning and management graduate, together chipped in $40,000 in April 2011 to launch the business. The revenues so far are $1.6 million, West said, and the company had a $5,000 profit last month.

“I know it doesn’t sound like a lot, but for social businesses it’s even harder to turn profitable,” West said.

EcoZoom’s social purposes are to reduce lung disease and deforestation associated with the open cook fires that 3 billion people in developing countries still use.

EcoZoom would like the option of organizing under state law as a social benefit corporation, but Oregon’s law has no provision for that entity type. Traditionally organized businesses have a fiduciary responsibility  to maximize profits for shareholders — even when that’s in conflict with the company’s social goals.

Eleven states, including California and Hawaii, have passed laws allowing the creation of so-called B Corp business entities. Two other states have similar laws in the works, according to B Lab, a Pennsylvania nonprofit agency that promotes the business form. The B Corp format allows the entity to deviate from the pursuit of profit.

“Legally, you can have a commitment to the triple bottom line, so legally you can make decisions in the best interest of personal impact, environmental impact and financial impact,” West said.

Absent an enabling law in Oregon, EcoZoom chose to get B Corp certification from B Lab, which requires demonstrated focus on the social or environmental goal and workplace and community activism.

This hybrid business/charity form appeals to young entrepreneurs, West said. The old idea was a business person would “learn, earn and return.” That’s learn the ropes in school and in business; earn as much money as possible; and then, return by contributing to the community at retirement, she said.

“Our generation is more about having impact when you’re in your career,” West said. “This is where our generation wants to take business. For a long time, we’ve seen all the negative effects that business can have.

“We’re interested in making an impact in the world but also in making a profit. We’re not necessarily taking a vow of poverty to make an impact on the world.”

Last year, Georgia was the first state to stage a social business competition. In October, at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, teams from 38 colleges and universities presented their business plans based on Yunus’ social business principles.

Entrants took aim at domestic violence, adult illiteracy, unemployment and lack of housing. The winning entry, from a nine-student team from Southern Polytechnic State University at Marietta, was a micro lending business, dubbed Restoration Trust, that would make small loans to victims of domestic violence to rent apartments or buy cars, or other things to help them start fresh.

“It made the students really think about all the aspects of starting an organization,” Donald Ariail, an accounting associate professor who advised the students. He said the concept of social business resonated with the team. “They were very enthused about it. That’s why they won actually — because of their enthusiasm, as much as any thing else,” he said.

Since the contest, four of the nine students have gone on to launch a nonprofit organization to make small loans to women in a YMCA domestic violence shelter. They couldn’t quite make the for-profit lending work, Ariail said.

“It’s difficult to find investors for a social business who were ready to give us money,” he said.

In Oregon, so far, about 14 teams — including representatives from all seven public universities — have signed up to compete, and Burns expects more by the Monday deadline.

Two UO teams have signed up so far, a team of undergraduates and another made up of MBA students.

UO MBA student Mikaela Hicks said socially oriented business plans are right up her alley because she’s on the UO’s sustainable business track. “Businesses have the power to create positive impact on profits, planet and people,” she said.

She’s on a five-member team that’s dreaming up a venture for the competition. “Right now were homing in on some ideas, trying to see if they’d be viable,” Hicks said.

Social Business

Nobel Peace Prize-winner Muhammad Yunus defines social business by these seven principles:

1: Business objective will be to overcome poverty, or one or more problems (such as education, health, technology access, and environment) which threaten people and society, not to make a profit

2: The company will attain financial and economic sustainability

3: Investors get back their investment amount — no dividend is given beyond the original investment

4: When investment amount is paid back, profit stays with the company for expansion and improvement

5: The company will be environmentally conscious

6: Work force gets market wage with better-than-standard working conditions

7: Do it with joy

The Challenge

The Oregon Social Business Challenge is a competition of teams vying to create the most effective business

When and where: 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Oct. 1 at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland

Deadline: Monday for teams to register and submit business plans

Information: www.ous.edu/socialbusiness


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I have not seen in my 71 years of life an opportunity to support youth co-create futures like SDG Metaverse Prize - since my father met von neumann the year I was born my family has kept an eye on entrepreneurial revolution open societal flows. living up to smithian or keynsian values 
Special thanks to zasheem launches of 2 journals with adam smith scholars and around Glasgow's greatest 20th C alumni for good. See alsdo EconomistDiary.com and Greatests of All Time
Following on with Japan ambassador to Bangladesh support from 2010 in mapping last decade of Fazle Abed and the billion womens economic model he gravitated over 50 years http://www.abedmooc.com, Team of Asian media graduates, and friends and I were lucky to follow movements of Guterres (very granular levels of 100 ops leaders inside UN) around digital un2.0 from their start in 2016.
As a statistician, datawise. I can offer a quick start mapping every last mile operation branch of UN that is linking in to maximise tech nd deep data with smartest possible logistics even as sad new fractures of world trade flows are caused most lately by Russia. Whats still needed is more clarity on which multilateral has the most data on broken value chains- fortunately i personally know who at the world bank has since 2006 the most data on food prices across every country. Maybe you know // sources .
 Digital cooperation has been celebrated solutionwise in Geneva where the ITU has actually been the digital twin of ny policy headquarters from the start in 1946 (and actually earlier since 1865 collaborations needed for there to be one telegraph standard instead of many).
By 2018 the first digital cooperation report mainly chaired out of geneva with 30 national tech leaders eg melinda gates representing USA to guterres and he formed tech envoy transformation office round 10 transformation processes -see Overview of the Office’s Ongoing Work | Office of the Secretary-General's Envoy on Technology
The ITU started taking its responsibility to a new level with AIforgood- specifically this went year round zoom not juts annual summit- and a first 50 operational branches of the UN identified at least one ai project each. Meanwhile Guterres hosted expert roundtables around the 10 processes uniting not just un branches and national leaders but corporations , leading ai university centres and NGOs -see https://www.un.org/techenvoy/sites/www.un.org.techenvoy/files/List_of_roundtables_key_constituents.pdf
Three more things came together- it turned out that 20 operational units of the UN had been discussing web1 &2 in annual vents of ITU -in thi=ose days called worldwide information society; the xprize out of moutnain view's singularity university got involved. By december the 10 million dillar avatar prize will  be debriefed- the last 4 xprizes have been on urgen tai solutions eg related to covid. And japan has been uniting about 40 cities' colleges through two investment streams geared to society5.0 and Osaka Data Track Expos - connection places where the UN has a training college and connecting AI regional epicentres fortunately Nordica, Netherlands & selected East Europe's smartest community AI researchers (ie who value DAO) are miles more connected than west EU's bureaucratic offices. (I did help moderate EU Knolwgeboard for 3 years so have followed this rather strange old world happening) You could also check with Romano Prodi as died and he shared most entrepreneurial revolution maps.
Back in 2018 the tufts arctic circle club were miles ahead on virtual reality than other boston students including mit100k prize that i once judged in a minor way.  The over 18 teams are effectively free to help the UN digitalise and connect this with web 3 or metaverse or ai or whatever is the leap forward 2020s that you see tech mobilising
 can a prize help celebrate new Greatest of All Time. This will be one way to unite celebrities of sports and fashions with real tech heroines.
Exponentially we are at a critical time as nature judges us. Due to last week's supreme court rulings, around the world nations are being told taht it is only at the state level they can expect any american partners of climate, energy etc. However there is a chnace e that if we map who cares about water this may even unite some republican states. 
Thanks to the work led by people like Eban he has a listing of which institutions joined their youth in March 2022. Is there a way to see who wants to help youth connect before december's starting line for year 1 of sdgmetaverseprize.org? As far as I can see this prize isnt just us last chance to be be trusted rest of the world on cop26 but it is every community's chance to benchmark digital gov. UN2.0 if succeeds  Meta will not only provide a benchmark for digital multilateral but will in effect unite every best govtech - at community state nation level. So already when it comes to goal 4 education places like singapore and south korea are both leaders of ai for every age group and leading connectors of Guterres Digital UN , and in effect every sustainability goal solution. of course the problem is penisular and  developed island states are not sufficient to help with massive inland solutions on continent scales let alone messy landlocked nations borders. The reality is west (US and EU) depends on Asian solutions  more than many Atlamtic policymakers view. Europe is not yet better situated for peace than the 1920s and this time round the US is not united on being a leader in saving the world. The great thing about the prize is with teams of 2-6 getting on with deep digital solutions youth can advance in joy and productivity even as elder generations have designed 60 years of accelerating media to propagate hate or fear or mental illness.
i welcome any way to follow this up eg whatsapp +1 240 316  8157, zooms, last month while wall street was still investing mainly in naked apes - educators started an NFT aimed at connecting 6000 educators; to be frank this is mainly k-12 leaving the 2 main areas fazle abed's last 20 years focused newly on university and pre-school maximum opportunity to represent women empowerments voice if you should so choose to collaborate
cheers chris macrae

===================please note most of this column is due to be re-edited we hope to issue a list of yunus top 10 stories but when it comes to solutions matching those challeges there's all to play for as web3 is humanity's last chnace to leap ahead

  hottest youth-spring question of our life and times-can online education end youth unemployment for ever ? yes but only if you help map how!

Breaking News to action now!

About Pro-Youth economics at Norman Macrae Foundation online library of norman macrae - The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant -videos 1 2 -fansweb  NMFoundation- youth projects - include yunuschoolusa


fullest press reports  Grameen Brand Partnership Architecture

exponential impact advisory: the social business youth networks inspired by muhammad yunus -without which millennium goal actions networks would be way behind are worth far more than any individual parts according to Norman Macrae Foundation  trilliondollaraudit methodology and charter notespace

Beyond the extraordinary investment of the members bank at Grameen, and the approximate third share its members foundation holds in grameenphone, here is our Unofficial League Table of Most Impactful Social Business Investments around yunus - last update 1 dec 2012

! Grameen Solar

2 Grameen Mobile Nursing nets and college

3 Portfolio of investments linkedin by Japan

4 Portfolio of youth-led networking inventions in US educationsystem  tertiar and secondary - transparency note NM Foundation has minor donation/loan interest

5 Investments in Grameen as collaboration brand linked in out of paris- the origin of global social business partnership funds

6 OpenTech investments of Grameen Intel


-------- while not controlled by yunus we see wholeplanetfoundation microcredit investment table and conscious capitalsm movements and hugely important to advancing pro-youth economicsmission of friends of youth and yunus


email chris.macrae@yahoo.co.ukif you have questions or recommendations of entries that should be in this league table

-please read notes about what pro-youth economists mean by superapps being most

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